Fuck you, UC Davis
In 2011, a police officer pepper-sprayed a group of sitdown protesters at the University of California:
But that's not what makes me angry today. No, what makes me angry is that four days ago, it transpired that the university paid $90,000 to an "online reputation management company" to manipulate Google's search results. The company promised to dilute the negative content about the pepper spray incident with positive results instead.
Here's pages from the contract (highlighting is my own):
The contract refers to things like "cleaning the search results" and "diluting the negative viral content and videos by a surge of content with positive sentiment".
What angers me is that they're trying to manipulate the internet and Google search results. It feels evil. They're trying to control the internet, a place that should be about free expression.
I'd like to see this backfire on the university. I want to see angry posts overwhelming the university's own insipid content and appearing on at the top of Google's search results instead.
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