Kracie DIY miniature pizza
I bought this in Japan:
It's a set to make your own miniature meal. It makes two pizzas, four potato wedges, and a soft drink.
Inside the box were seven packets of assorted colours, possibly Power Ranger themed.
There was also a mixing tray, cup, and tiny spatula.
The instructions were in Japanese:
I enlisted my brother to help. We can't read Japanese, so I used Google Translate to translate the instructions. The first sentence of the translation read, "Let's make a potato! Put the "source of the potato" to the participation tray." Unfortunately, the rest of the translation then descended into useless gibberish. But the pictures seemed clear enough, so we followed them instead.
First my brother and I made the potato wedges. We mixed water and the "source of the potato" (yellow powder) in the "participation tray" (mixing tray). To our surprise, the powder magically became mash potato. Then we pushed the potato into the happy-face mould.
We put the mould in the microwave for thirty seconds. We could smell the potato wafting through the air. Our mouths were drooling in potato anticipation!
But here was the finished result:
I wouldn't say the potato was happy. It looked more like it wanted to be put out of its misery. My brother spit his into the bin because it tasted like plastic.
Next came the pizza bases and the sauce. As you can see from the photos, my brother didn't put a lot of effort into this part.
Next we added the cheese.
After this we made the meat paste. It looked like gerbil diarrhoea:
At this point my brother ran to the bathroom saying he was going to throw up.
Here's the peas and sweetcorn. These weren't bad actually. Crunchy.
Then we put the pizzas in the microwave for 90 seconds, and... voila! A masterpiece!
My brother refused to eat the pizzas because they looked so bad. I tried one, and guess what? They actually weren't that bad. They actually tasted like real pizzas. So I would give 0 out of 10 to the appearance but an 8 out of 10 for the taste.
The last thing was to prepare the drink. First we tasted a tiny bit of the drink powder. It tasted like concentrated pop rocks. It was genuinely delicious. Then we poured the powder into the mixing tray and added water:
You can't see this in the photo, but the drink had bits of cheese and tomato floating in it. That's because we had forgotten that the mixing tray was already dirty from the pizzas. Therefore the drink was a bit gross.
In all, even though the food looked like horrible hell-shit, this was honestly the most fun I've had in ages. Would do again.
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