The shit blog of Paul Chris Jones

The moon singing karaoke hits by Lionel Richie

17th September 2024 Paul Chris Jones

Dear Diary. My left inner ear is blocked with mucus and I think I'm at risk of getting an ear infection like last year. I read you're meant to avoid strenuous exercise when this happens but this morning I went to the gym anyway and I did a gym class called Zone.

I like Zone class. I do it four times a week. I have less lower back pain and I stand straighter now too. Which is good because I used to stand like Quasimodo.

Today only three other people came to the class. One of the participants was a Spanish man called Alberto. Alberto comes to every Zone class which means I see Alberto four times a week, which is more often than my supposed friends.

Alberto looks like a dwarf from Lord of the Rings. He's short but muscular, like a giant once pressed down on him with a giant finger, squashing him down, and now he's stuck like that. He's the opposite of me because he's short and squat and I'm tall and thin. Alberto seems nice enough though. Yesterday in the sauna he was telling me that steam rooms are bad for you because water is bad for your lungs. I read online later that's not true, so maybe he's not that bright either.

There's a weird thing about Alberto: on his left leg is a tattoo of a sand timer with the number 40 inside it. What does the 40 mean? Is 40 his age? If that's the case, won't the tattoo expire next year? Does that mean the tattoo artist has to update it every year? Unless Alberto's not just a dwarf but also a vampire and he's stuck at the age 40 forever. That would make sense.

I came home from the gym. My ear got worse as the day progressed. It's blocked and somewhat painful. I haven't seen a doctor yet but I have some old medications in a tin so I'm taking those. Two anti-inflammatory pills per day, plus a mucus thinner called Pectox Lisina, plus an Ibuprofen pill before I go to bed. I also irrigate my nose throughout the day by squirting a nasal solution called Rhinodouche up my nostrils.

In the evening my sister Lisa called and told me to go outside and look at the moon. "It's the brightest you'll ever see it," she said excitedly. So I went outside but I couldn't see the moon. There were too many clouds. I decided to climb to the highest point in Girona. Half an hour later I emerged out of breath on top of the Girona's highest tower. I still couldn't see the moon. I went home.

Last month it was a super blue moon. Today it's the brightest moon I'll ever see. What will the moon be doing next month? Singing karaoke hits by Lionel Richie? While the Sun serenades on a grand piano? I used to like the moon but even I'm getting a bit weary of it doing a new trick every month. I think the moon needs to have a rest for a bit and let everyone forget about it, so that when it does reappear, we'll all look up a fresh sense of wonder. Because right now I've got moon fatigue.

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Paul Chris Jones is a writer and dad living in Girona, Spain. You can follow Paul on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.