My favourite songs - Part 2
I like music. You like music. Here's some music.
Left To Wonder (2013) by Lyla Foy
Lyla Foy is my current favourite artist. All her songs sound like a quiet and gentle orgasm, and Left To Wonder is no exception.
The song is the auditory equivalent of being drugged up to your eyeballs on heroin while your mom reads you bedtime stories. Warm, snuggly, calm, relaxing, and dangerously addictive.
Shoestring (2013) by Lyla Foy
Another Lyla Foy song (did I mention that I like Lyla Foy?) is Shoestring.
The song sounds like you've been mugged and you're lying in a ditch, but it's all lovely because you're on heroin. Basically, all her songs sound like being on heroin.
Other good Lyla Foy songs are: All Alone (where Lyla whispers sweet nothings into your ear), Beginning it all Again (where Lyla takes heroin in a jazz club and starts reminiscing about her past.), and Magazine (where Lyla sends shivers down my spine by singing "I wish that I was leaving for the sun this evening").
Her remix of Local Natives' Heavy Feet is also good. She basically slows down the original and then submerges it under water. Don't try that at home with your music player.
We Belong (2013) by RAC (feat. Katie Herzig)
We Belong sounds like a bear waking up after hibernation. I like the slow build-up throughout: first just the piano, then the vocals, then the strings, drums, and after four whole minutes, the violins kick in. The refrain is "We belong to where we're going", which could be the anthem of today's youth if it wasn't nonsensical.
The Light (2006) by The Album Leaf
When you're emotionally exhausted, listen to this song. It's peaceful and beautiful. It's a ray of dawn illuminating a dark night.
I'm not crying... it's just been raining on my face.
Cause (1971) by Rodriguez
I first heard Cause in the documentary Searching for Sugar Man, a film about the search for a mysterious singer known as Rodriguez.
I like the song's deadpan and sardonic lyrics: "I lost my job two weeks before Christmas" and "They told me everyone's gotta pay their dues, and I explained I'd overpaid them."
The rest of the lyrics are pretty much nonsense, but they almost take on a profound meaning when sung in Rodriguez's Dylan-like voice.
Peanut Butter Jelly (2015) by Galantis
Nonsensical lyrics and digitally altered voices = fun. In fact, Peanut Butter Jelly is so upbeat that you'll immediately rip off your clothes in joy just like the shoppers in the video.
It's impossible not to smile when you hear the phrase, "Spread it like peanut butter jelly. Do it like I owe you some money."
La Primavera (2000) by Delafé y Las Flores Azules
Delafé y Las Flores Azules is Spanish band and the title of this song means "Spring". So the song conveys the feeling of the Spanish spring: sun, optimism, pleasure, and joy.
1984 (2010) by Delafé y Las Flores Azules
Another good song by Delafé y Las Flores Azules is 1984. It's a nostalgic song that celebrates everything Spanish in the summer of 1984. (And that's not just beaches and topless women.)
Espiritiu Santo (2010) by Delafé y Las Flores Azules
Delafé y Las Flores Azules also wrote the wonderful and ecstatic song Espiritu Santo (2010) which means "Holy Spirit". To me, the song represents a happiness you can't contain, so you have to dance and pump the air with your fists to let it out. The refrain is "Porque bailando hasta el espíritu santo se pone blando", which translates to something like, "Even God can't help smiling when he dances".
Delafé y Las Flores Azules released these three songs in 2010, which I find incredible. My girlfriend is Catalan and I imagined these songs were a big part of her childhood, yet the band made this music just six years ago.
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