The shit blog of Paul Chris Jones

The sign

25th October 2021 Paul Chris Jones

Dear Diary. Girlfriend comes home from work. She looks out the window and says, "What's that?"

I look out the window too. "What's what?" I say.

"Over there," she says. "There's a message on the window opposite."

"Oh, yeah," I say. "I saw that earlier."

There's an apartment building opposite ours, and in one of the windows, there's a piece of paper with something written on it. I can't read it though because my eyesight is so bad.

"It probably says, 'Help me' or something," I say. "You know. Like there's a woman in there being held against her will. By an axe murderer."

Girlfriend squints at the sign. With her superior eyesight, she manages to read it: "Hello, neighbour who is always on the computer, handsome."

I blink. "Hang on - that's me!" I cry. "That's me! I'm always on the computer and I'm handsome. They're talking about me!"

I remember there are two university-age girls living in that apartment. They must think I'm handsome.

Girlfriend looks skeptical. "I think they're talking about the guy who lives next to us."

She has a point. We have a neighbour who's a guy in his 20s, and I have to admit, he is pretty cute. And he probably is always on the computer because he's using the apartment as his office.

But still, I desperately hold on to the belief that the sign is for me and that two teenage girls believe I am handsome.

This is the greatest day of my life. Two teenage girls have a crush on me. This is every man's dream.

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Paul Chris Jones is a writer and dad living in Girona, Spain. You can follow Paul on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.