The shit blog of Paul Chris Jones

Gym party

16th June 2024 Paul Chris Jones

Dear Diary. Saturday. Mother-in-law came to visit. I told her there was a party at my local gym celebrating 20 years of existence. I asked if she wanted to come. It was only when I mentioned free food that she perked up and said yes. We walked to the gym — me, 2-year-old, my mother-in-law, and one of my sons' cousins — but by the time we got there it was too late. The doors were locked, there was a chain across the door handles on the inside. Went round the side of the gym and peered through the fence. I could see balloons and yellow and black bunting. Gym instructors were putting tables away.

We went to the park instead. The sun was just starting to set, it was getting low in the sky. There was a concert and a beer stand. The concert hadn't started yet so there was Catalan pop music piped through speakers instead. The atmosphere felt like a cool party in Ibiza. A man juggling clubs and dropping them. A woman in a sundress on a picnic blanket, wrapped in the arms of her boyfriend. Catalans drinking beer from red plastic cups. Sunlight sifting through the leaves of a palm tree. It was the perfect summer atmosphere. I thought it was wonderful. Unfortunately, no one apart from me wanted to stay so we left.

6-year-old had scouts tonight. When Girlfriend picked him up, he said he didn't want to do it anymore, he doesn't like walking long distances.

Girlfriend and I put the kids to bed. I was feeling stressed because I knew I'd have to go do some work on my laptop, but then I remembered there was a new episode of Doctor Who out, so I watched that instead of working and felt better.

I finished reading Wonderwall today. It's a book of interviews with Oasis. What strikes me is how 3/5ths of the band were ordinary-looking blokes; only Liam and Noel Gallagher looked like rock stars. Paul "Bonehead" looked like a sad balding unemployed dad. Paul "Guigsy" McGuigan resembled a hobbit. Tony Carroll looked like a teenage boy on work experience. All three looked like they spent their days wasting away their dole money in Ladbrokes.


By the way, tomorrow I have a hike with some people from a social group.

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Paul Chris Jones is a writer and dad living in Girona, Spain. You can follow Paul on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.