The shit blog of Paul Chris Jones

Floor is lava

7th August 2022 Paul Chris Jones

Dear Diary. I'm at a house party. I walk into a room. There are a bunch of four-year-olds watching TV. And they're all watching it super-intensely as if what they're watching is a matter of life and death.

On the TV is a man balancing on a dresser table in the middle of a bubbling lava pit. He looks like he's about to fall in at any moment.

"What the fuck are you watching?" I say. Then I realise I've just sworn in front of four kids. But it's okay because the kids didn't hear me. They're all too glued to the TV.

Now on the TV, there's a different man standing on a sofa as the lake of lava around him bubbles and boils. He's about to try to jump onto a chandelier and then swing over to an upturned canoe.

"Daddy, that man could die," says 4-year-old, completely seriously.

I look at the faces of the four children: solemn, scared, and serious. They all think it's real, I realise. They think the lava is real and that the people on the TV are in real danger.

Oh well. Who am I to contradict a child? So I sit down next to the kids and start watching.


Five minutes later, and we're all chanting, "Fall in! Fall in!"

There's a woman forced to do monkey bars over the pit of bubbling lava. But she's struggling. I don't think she has the required upper body strength for this. I bet she wishes she'd done more training at the gym before coming on the show.

"Fall in! Fall in!" we're all chanting (me and a bunch of four-year-olds).

The woman's losing her grip. Suddenly she lets go of the bar and the next moment she's disappeared under the lava. She's properly gone.

"She fell in!" I cry out with elation.

"Yaaaaay, she's dead!" cries 4-year-old.

"She'll just be a skeleton now," I say wisely.

The other kids are celebrating when Girlfriend comes in. "What are you all watching?" she says suspiciously.

"Floor is Lava," I say. "Don't worry, it's completely suitable for kids. No one really gets hurt."

"What did you say Daddy?" asks 4-year-old.

"I said, no one really gets hurt. The lava's fake."

4-year-old thinks for a moment. Then he says, "I knew it."

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Paul Chris Jones is a writer and dad living in Girona, Spain. You can follow Paul on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.