The shit blog of Paul Chris Jones


22nd April 2022 Paul Chris Jones

Dear Diary. Today has been a busy day, yet I feel like I've achieved nothing at all. I dropped 4-year-old off at school, got home and fully intended to do some work, but a few minutes later I was holding 0-year-old, and soon he was asleep on top of me. I couldn't work with 0-year-old on top of me, so I read a book instead. It was about all I could do with a baby lying on me. I started reading The Langoliers by Stephen King (which is a good story by the way, and I recommend it).

I was reading for an hour while 0-year-old slept in my arm. Then 0-year-old woke up. He was hungry. So I went to the bedroom to find Girlfriend and discovered that she'd been asleep all this time. For some reason, I thought she'd been doing something productive. I offloaded 0-year-old onto her, went to my laptop, and got ready to crack on with some work.

First, though, I bought a blood test online to find out my testosterone levels. The test requires a fast and I purposely hadn't eaten anything so far today. To take the test, I first had to go to the local print shop to print the blood test requisition. Girlfriend came too, with 0-year-old.

Then we went to the local market to buy some beans and nuts. It was noon, the time when only the old people are out. I seemed to be the only non-old person at the market. I bought a 1 kilo bag of mixed nuts and seeds. The woman looked surprised when I asked for one kilo. "I'll have to get a bigger bag," she said.

Girlfriend also wanted snails. Thankfully she didn't ask me to handpick them from the ground of the local park. Instead she made me wait in the queue at the snails stall at the market. The woman who worked at the stall was cute. She put effort into her appearance - her hair was wavy and all her fingernails had little tiny flowers painted on them.

Then Girlfriend and I went to Abacus to get the book Girlfriend wants for Saint George's Day. The book cost 19 euros! Fuck sake. I bet Girlfriend never even reads it. She never reads the books I get her for Saint George's Day.

Then I did my blood test at Clinica Central de Girona. The phlebotomist said I have "really narrow veins" and she had to use a butterfly needle on me, which is a special type of needle for small veins. It's usually only used on children. I don't know why she thought I have small veins. No other phlebotomist has ever said that to me. Plus they've always used normal adult-sized needles on me.

After that, I found Girlfriend in the local bedding store, buying some new pillowcases we probably don't need.

At 4:30 pm, Girlfriend and I both picked up 4-year-old from school. Normally only Girlfriend picks up 4-year-old from school, but this time, I went too, because I had to buy a rose for Girlfriend from the school. The school sells them to raise money for the kids' field trip at the end of the year. The rose is for Saint George's Day tomorrow. Goddamn Saint George's Day and goddamn Saint George. He wasn't even real so why do I have to buy a book and rose because of him?

At 5:30 pm I went to the gym and did a Bodycombat class at 6 pm. The Bodycombat class went okay. Not great, but okay. The problem was that I didn't feel angry enough; it's anger that fuels Bodycombat, you see, and if I don't feel angry, then my performance is lacklustre. Plus, my back and feet hurt during the class, which didn't help. Also, I somehow messed up some of the moves - I guess I wasn't concentrating - so while everyone was punching left, I was punching right, and when everyone was doing squats, I was doing uppercuts, etc. I felt like an idiot. I was in the second row of the class, not the first row, which was probably for the best. I didn't deserve a first-row spot today. Maybe next time.

After the class, I got a voice message from Girlfriend, saying 4-year-old was having dinner at his grandmother's house. So I went home, dropped off my stuff, and decided to go to Aldi to buy sun cream. (Aldi does really cheap sun cream). But just as I was about to set out, Girlfriend's grandmother phoned, saying she couldn't open her front door. Something about the key not working. So I ran over there and found that she'd already opened the door with the help of a neighbour. I tried the door a few times with the key and it locked and unlocked fine, so I don't know what the fucking problem was.

I walked to Lidl, which took me 15 minutes. When I got there, I only intended to buy the sun cream and get out, but I ended up spending half an hour looking around. I spent 40 euros somehow. One of the things I bought was The Necromonicon by H.P. Lovecraft.

I walked back to Girlfriend's mom's house to pick up 4-year-old. When I got there, I discovered that one of the bottles of sun cream had exploded in my bag. There was sun cream on the cover of my new Necromonicon. Luckily the pages were still okay. Girlfriend's mom gave me some kitchen paper and I wiped the sun cream from the floor and my bag. At the same time, 4-year-old climbed on my back, which didn't help.

I carried 4-year-old home (he was walking too slowly so I asked if he wanted me to carry him). We got home, Girlfriend put 4-year-old to bed and I wiped the bottle of sun cream clean. Girlfriend ordered sushi takeaway for dinner. She's eating it now, as I write these words. She's angry because I'm writing and she wants me to go eat dinner with her.

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Paul Chris Jones is a writer and dad living in Girona, Spain. You can follow Paul on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.